The Confession opens with these startling words, “The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience…” It is that little word ‘only’ that holds the whole thing together. The first thing it does is to exclude everything that is not the Word of God. The second thing it does is to limit all saving knowledge, faith and obedience to the Scriptures. The things that pertain to salvation or more particularly to anyone being saved cannot be found anywhere else.. The third thing the statement does is to confine authority to the Word of God only. You cannot look elsewhere for a plan about salvation. Scripture is sufficient and certain and infallible. Sufficient meaning it does; certain meaning it is is, and infallible meaning it is without defect and incapable of it. The final thing we can says about this little statement is that God’s Word provides us with everything we need to know (knowledge), everything we need to believe (faith) and everything we must do (obedience). And there you go – you need nothing else. So tolle lege!